The owner of the website (hereinafter: Website) is Zeus Holding Market Ltd. (site: Intershore Chambers, 3rd Floor, Geneva Place, Road Town, Tortola, VG1110, British Virgin Islands; registration number: 1885546;; hereinafter: Service Provider). The holder of all materials and content on this Website (including trademarks, logos, softwares, know-hows, other intellectual property) is Service Provider.
The users' data are managed by Service Provider.
The current Terms and Conditions and Privacy Police (hereafter: Terms) cover the services and data handling of the Service Provider's website (hereafter: Website).
Unless stated otherwise, the scope of the Terms does not cover services and data-handling of third parties' advertisements, promotions, prizes, services, other campaigns and content shared by them. Unless stated otherwise, the scope of the Terms does not cover services and data-handling of websites that can be reached through a link on the aforementioned website.
The rights to modify the Terms are retained by the Service Provider. If requested, the Service Provider informs the users of previous modifications. The Service Provider releases the modified terms that become valid after their release. The Service Provider is not obliged to notify the users in advance about the modifications.
The Service Provider is a company registered in British Virgin-Islands and operates primarily under the Virgin-Island laws.
The user, following registration, can register an e-mail address using the domain names provided by the Service Provider. The e-mail address can be anything in front of the @domain suffix. The registered e-mail is at the disposal of the user.
The e-mails sent to the given e-mail address is forwarded to the provided address by the Service Provider.
The Service Provider does not store the e-mails and any data connected to it, and does not maintain an e-mailing service. The user can send e-mails depending on the SMTP settings of their ISP.
The service is free of charge, so the Service Provider takes no responsibility in the continuous availability of the service. The Service Provider cannot be made responsible for the damages to the user due to the suspension and cessation of the service. The user is to take this into consideration when using the service.
The Service Provider retains the right to cease supporting certain domains. In this case, no further e-mail addresses can be registered, and the already registered addresses will be deleted. The user is notified by the Service Provider about the further unsupported e-mail addresses at least 15 days ahead of the deadline.
The personal data is handled by the Service Provider.
The claim to handling the data is the voluntary agreement of the concerned parties. The parties accept the Terms through the use of the Website. The Terms is to be considered as the edification of the concerned parties.
In case the user enters into an agreement with the Service Provider through the use of the Website, the privacy policy is governed by the relevant laws. The claims to handling the data as stipulated by the law is the decree of the law.
During the handling of data, the Service Provider acts as stated in the relevant laws, especially the law of CXII. of 2011 about the freedom of information and the right of self-determination.
The Service Provider handles the data at its headquarters, branch office, base of operation and the offices designated by the Service Provider. The decision concerning the handling of data is made by the Service Provider.
Visiting the Website is not tied to registration; however, some of the services can only be accessed by registered users. The Service Provider retains the rights to make retain services available exclusively to registered users.
Users can register by filling out the registration form. The registration form contains certain obligatory data; registration will not be possible without providing these data. The data provided is handled by the Service Provider.
The primary aim of the data provided by the users is to identify the users and keeping in touch with them. Furthermore, it is used to ensure the services of the website, the development of services and sending newsletters and advertisements to the users, as stated in section II/7.
Moreover, the aims of the data handling is to exercise the rights and fulfilling obligations of a possible agreement between Service Provider and user.
The Service Provider retains the rights to use the data for statistics without the possibility of identification.
The data handled will only be submitted to or made accessible to third parties when the concerned party expressly agreed or the law orders so.
The Service Provider is entitled to, as stated by the governing laws, to employ data processing personnel for certain technical operations. The data processor is only allowed to execute the tasks set by the Service Provider, in accordance with the Service Provider's instructions. The employment of data processors does not affect the responsibilities of the Service Provider.
Since the services provided by the Service Provider is free, the conditions of the services can only be met through advertisements. In order to be able to access the service, and agreement to the advertising is necessary.
The user expressly agrees for the Service Provider to directly contact them with advertisements and use their data for this purpose. The agreement includes offers in e-mails, mails, through phone and any other means.
The users agree that the data stemming from the use of the Website can be used by the Service Provider to send targeted advertisements that can be of interest of the recipient.
The user can withdraw their agreement for the above data handling for advertisement and research.
The Service Provider deletes the data provided, if:
The user can ask for the deletion of their data. Following the filing of the petition, the Service Provider's system will delete within five office days. Deleting the data provided during the registration process will result in deleting the registration as well.
During the deletion of the personal data, the data will be made unrecognizable in a way that the connection between the concerned party and the data cannot be reconstructed.
In case a civil legal relationship forms between user and Service Provider, the handling of the data will be governed by the rules of civil laws. In this case, the personal data can be handled in order to validate claims in civil law procedures. In case the user indulges in unlawful conduct resulting in state or court proceedings, the Service Provider is entitled to handle the date in order to ensure the effective outcome of the case.
The user has the right to edit their data, or ask the Service Provider for modification in case they cannot an erroneous piece of data. The user has the right to delete some of their data or their full registration. The user can ask for information about the handling of their data. The Service Provider can submit the information in electronic mail as well.
The Service Provider's system automatically records the IP address of the users' computer, the time of the visit, and, in some cases - depending on the computers' settings - the type of operating system and browser, and the geographical location based on the IP address. Handling of this data is only statistical in nature.
The Service Provider retains the right to place data files (cookies) on the user’s computer.
The user is obliged to act carefully when providing their data. The Service Provider cannot be held liable for damages that have been caused by the user not protecting their data adequately.
The user can only use the website at their own responsibility. The Service Provider does not take responsibility for damages that have been caused by the fact that the user did not display the necessary care while using the website. The user can only make their data public and accessible by other at their own responsibility.
The user is obliged to act fair, considering other's rights and interests.
The user is obliged to respect the current laws, and while using the website, refrain from any activities that are against the law or offends others' interests. Within this, the user is obliged to respect others' privacy, personal rights, and intellectual rights, especially the copyrights of literary, scientific and artistic products, inventions, registered design marks, trademarks and brand names. The user is obliged to refrain from acting in an unlawful way or committing a crime, uttering obscene and other phrases and manifestations that result in other users' indignation.
All users must refrain from any activities that prevents the proper use of the website. All users must refrain from activities that are against the Service Provider's interests, and are aimed at advertising their own or other person's products or services.
In addition to the above, the Service Provider may put other restrictions in place, of which the users will be informed.
The user takes responsibility for their opinions; the opinions shared by the users are in no way considered to be that of the Service Provider's.
Users may only provide their own personal data during registration. Providing other people's data is considered to be an unlawful handling of data that has ramifications governed by separate measures. Abusing other people's personal data results in the Service Provider cooperation with authorities in order to identify the person and the nature of their violation.
These restriction apply to every visitor of the Website.
In case the user acts against the law or the points stated in this Terms, the Service Provider may delete the user's registration. In this case, the user's registration ceases to exist and they cannot use the services of the website in the future.
In case the user's conduct allows for court or magisterial proceedings, the Service Provider will store the personal data necessary for identifying the user, the data displaying the unlawful acts, and will submit it to the authorities in charge.
In case the user violates the rights of a third party, with this party entitled to initiating a proceeding, the Service Provider can submit the user's data, provided that the third party can prove their lawful claim for this data.
The Service Provider guarantees that they will do everything in their power to ensure the uninterrupted and continuous nature of the service. Due to the nature of a free-of-charge service, the Service Provider does not guarantees an uninterrupted service, nor can they be made liable for suspending or discontinuing the service. The Service Provider will endeavor to fix operational problems and malfunctions, but cannot be made reliable for those.
The users can turn directly to the Service Provider with their complaints and misgivings; the Service Provider will try everything in their power to cease any infringements and remedy the situation. The Service Provider will study every complaint and informs the user about their policy and measures taken.
In case the complaint had been handled unsatisfactory, the user may turn to an authority that has the jurisdiction in such cases; furthermore, can submit a petition to enforce their claims at a court with jurisdiction and competence.